September 2016

Are You Ready To Apply For A Mortgage?

By | September 20th, 2016|Blog|

 Does anyone honestly want to live in a shoe box sized apartment for the rest of their lives? Who intends to deal with loud neighbors on all sides of their living space? Exactly, nobody wants to go through that kind of trouble day in, and day out. This is the reason many people, at some point [...]

Credit Misconceptions That Are Bringing Your Score Down

By | September 19th, 2016|Blog|

Credit cards are often difficult for people to manage. Quite often people misuse them, and this will significantly influence their credit score.   Why should you care about your credit score? Your credit score is determined by an intricate equation that tells lender how much debt you owe, and how well you pay off your accounts. [...]

How To Maintain Your Good Credit Score During A Divorce

By | September 14th, 2016|Blog|

Divorce isn’t fun for anyone, especially your wallet. And the divorce rate in the United States is at an all time high. If you’re going through a divorce, you should always carefully consider your finances, no matter what stage you’re in. This mainly applies to your credit score. There’s a big chance that you have a [...]

Everything You Need to Know About FICO 9

By | September 13th, 2016|Blog|

In the United States, the way in which credit scores are calculated is undergoing a bit of a revamp. The Fair Isaac Corporation, or FICO for short, are introducing a new system known as FICO 9. This new method for calculating a credit score is designed to make them a bit more of an accurate [...]

Furnishing Your New Home On A Budget

By | September 12th, 2016|Blog|

One of the wonderful things about moving into a new home is the fact that you will be able to put your ‘personal touch' on it. You have the ability to decorate it to your heart's content. The problem is that you probably just put a lot of cash down on in order to obtain the property. You [...]

2 Typically Unknown Ways to Optimize Your Credit Score

By | September 7th, 2016|Blog|

A good credit score is important for the big things in life, whether it’s a new house, a new car, or an emergency credit card. We all know the simple ways of boosting our credit scores: pay off your credit card bills on time, don’t spend more than you can pay back, and resolve any [...]

Will A Debt Management Plan Hurt Your Credit Score?

By | September 6th, 2016|Blog|

What is a debt management plan (DMP)? It’s a payment agreement between you and your creditors, to pay off your debt in smaller installments. They are typically used by someone when they are swamped in debt, and cannot afford the payments anymore. The debt agreement can be made with your creditors by yourself, or through [...]

First Time Homebuyer? Check Out These 11 Cities

By | September 1st, 2016|Blog|

Less than 35% of adults under 35 own a home.  This figure is the result of research undertaken by SmartAsset, a personal finance site.  If you are in your twenties or early thirties, it may seem like an intimidating process.   If you know where to look and find some advice, it is definitely possible.   Student [...]

August 2016

5 Ways To Use Your Credit Card Correctly

By | August 31st, 2016|Blog|

If you live in America, chances are you have a credit card you regularly use in your wallet. Most studies estimate that a full 70% of Americans have them. You can see in the graph below that the average debt is rising each year. What can we do about it? It’s undeniable that credit cards [...]

Can Your Credit Score Keep You From Employment?

By | August 30th, 2016|Blog, Uncategorized|

Everyone knows that your credit score has a serious impact on everything from your ability to take out a mortgage to the cost of buying a car. But did you know that, in some cases, it can actually impact your ability to get a job? It can be surprising how far-reaching the influence of your [...]