“For a long time I only received bits and pieces of how credit actually works as well as credit scores. After finishing college, and working in the workforce, I decided to start my own business.

From this I really began to learn about credit, scores, and the importance of having good credit. Though I have never filed bankruptcy or had any major credit mishaps, my score has never been as high as I feel it should be based on my credit history. I feel that I need professional help to obtain my credit goals that will ultimately allow my business to grow. As a small business owner, when you do not have a lot of start up capital, credit becomes extremely important to help you obtain things for your business that you otherwise would not be able to.

Having a good credit score allows you to obtain financing for purchases at good rates as opposed to sub prime rates which cost more money. I have joined NCF in hopes that they will help me obtain the financial freedom I need for my business, and myself, to become the best we can offer.”

-Jermanee D

Calumet City, IL