Well it is official!  The National Credit Federation Blog is alive and off to the races!!!

The intent or shall I say content of this blog is to inform and assist the reader in all things that involve credit, credit scores, and overall the trials and tribulations as well as the satisfaction realized in working to improve one’s credit.

My hope is to deliver solid information to help you better understand the whole credit scoring system created by FICO aka the Fair Isaac Company.  This is the scoring system that has truly taken over all lending decisions from mortgages to credit cards to the rates you pay for your car insurance.

There will be lively discussions on the abuses and blatant moves the credit reporting agencies (CRA’s) take to increase their profits.  Yes, I know it might be hard to believe but believe this… the credit bureaus main purpose is to make money! They are not your friend and they are not in business to help you.  Sorry, I know that can be a depressing thought but 100% truth it is!

Discussions can range from steps you can take to move towards becoming debt free to the actions you must take to insure you’re getting the best credit scores you can. Now, there will be many times this blog is going to be something I can just rant and rave on and talk about things going in our world that can affect all of us through interest rates, lending practices, or other credit policies.  So, basically what I’m saying is, whatever I want to discuss that might help I’ll throw at you…:)!

Over the next 10 days or so I will be posting some thoughts every day to get better noticed by Google.   On a new blog the more activity you throw out in the beginning the more it helps in your page rankings.

I’d like each of you to take a quick moment and respond below letting me know what you’d like to see me talk about in coming posts, as well as any additional thoughts you think would help others to know about.  Many of you have shot in your opinions and thoughts of previous Tidbits and many times those opinions have great value.  Now we have the forum for others to enjoy your thoughts as well.

Lastly, make sure to post your website URL to link to us by posting it in the comment section below, this helps the visibility of both our websites in those ol’ Google rankings! Do me a favor and do this even if you don’t have any comments to make right now.

Till tomorrow….

Be Bold!
