February 2016

DIY Credit Repair: Do You Really Need a Professional?

By | February 22nd, 2016|Blog, Credit Repair|

Do you really need a professional to assist you with credit repair? The answer: it depends. It depends on your goals. It depends on your income. It depends on how much of your credit needs repairing. Most of all, it depends on you. Repairing your credit on your own is entirely possible. So is repairing [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 2/16

By | February 16th, 2016|Blog|

"Up 95 points in the first round!" “Monique, 95 points up on the first round of disputes?!?! Wow! Thank you for all that you do and the continued support and advice. NCF has so far exceeded my expectations and I am truly grateful to have been recommended by my loan officer. Best decision I ever [...]

How To Be Romantic When You’re on a Budget

By | February 13th, 2016|Blog|

When you’re on a budget or trying to repair your credit, romantic outings are often one of the first things to get cut from the budget. Weekend getaways and regular dinners at five star restaurants are probably out. Planning a spectacular date when you have little or no money can seem daunting at best, and [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 2/9

By | February 8th, 2016|Blog|

"Excited For A Better Future!" “I would like to give a BIG thank you to both NCF and Monique Martin! It is hard to lead a family when the finances are a mess, thank you for leading me onto a better path. I greatly appreciate Monique's help with both my credit and my fiancé's credit. Thank [...]

January 2016

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 1/26

By | January 25th, 2016|Blog|

“Now My Credit Score Is Excellent!” "Hi my name is Helon and I live in Katy, Texas and for the past seven years I’ve been a letter carrier. Before I came to National Credit Federation I was getting declined for things. I tried to apply for a car with my credit union and I [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 1/19

By | January 18th, 2016|Blog|

“I was very skeptical but my doubts are erased” I cannot sit still in my seat…………..unbelievable results in 1 month.  Please continue to work on it and when I get a chance to speak with Krista, I will cover a few more inaccuracies to get cleaned up. I am so sick with the flu [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 1/12

By | January 11th, 2016|Blog|

"Able To Get A House!" "Our credit improved to the degree that we were able to get a house and not have to rent so the goal of using NCF was successful." Thanks, John and Laura Fox - Downingtown, PA   Learn The Three Most Common Mistakes Business Owners Make When Taking Out A Cash Loan [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 1/5

By | January 5th, 2016|Blog|

"Thanks Ever So Much!" "We are most appreciative for all that Monique Martin is doing for us. We have entrusted her with something of colossal importance to us and are very pleased to have had the good fortune to work with Monique! Her work with us has been exemplary regarding how she interacts with us [...]

December 2015

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 12/29

By | December 29th, 2015|Blog|

"Tremendous Job!" "Tammy and I want to tell you what a tremendous job NCF did for us. Monique Martin our case manager was absolutely fabulous. She did and accomplished everything we needed. We are purchasing our home tomorrow. Our goal was to improve our credit scores to obtain financing for home. Monique and NCF [...]

NCF Tuesday Tidbit – 12/22

By | December 22nd, 2015|Blog|

"We Went From "Poor" To "Great"!" "I wanted to give you the update. And thank you for all your hard work and help! Krista Phillips is a GREAT advocate for customers wanting to change their financial outlook. Within 7 months she took our credit scores and financial situation from poor to great. We partnered [...]