So I have to be honest this is the best part of my job, I absolutely love hearing success stories, but you know who loves them more, our potential clients who are just getting ready to sign up. It really helps set their mind at ease if they know they are working with someone who can truly help them.

Seriously this is one of the main reasons we all get out of bed and come to the office every day. Don’t believe me, we have such a passion here at NCF for helping people we routinely pick our favorite success stories and have them hanging all over our corporate headquarters here in Tampa, FL. Check it out

Here are just a few of the many we have hanging all over our 30,000 sq ft office.

test on wall


Like I said this is what we live for helping family’s get into a better financial position and be able to accomplish their financial goals. Below are a few great examples of other clients sharing their success stories to help you make yours a great one. Who knows if yours is awesome enough it may end up on our wall here to remind us of why we get out of bed each day.

Thank you again for trusting us and congratulations on taking back control!

DF Hollywood

Dave Fulk | President


“NCF has changed my life. They took me from a place where I couldn’t even catch my breath from collection calls and no chance of getting approved for anything. To where I am today just 9 months later. I am collection free, own a new car and closed on my new home today. If you have any credit issues or outstanding debt, do yourself a favor and call NCF today!!” -Susan Young


“I started the program with NCF about a year ago with credit scores in the the low 400’s and now have scores in the high 600’s. My biggest goal was to be able to trade out of my high interest rate care into a new BMW. I was recently approved for a new car loan at 3.74%!

Never in my entire life had I received an interest rate that low. This was a result of working with National Credit federation, Me doing my part and them doing their part. They were diligent about helping and they were pleasant and professional to work with. If you are looking to boost your credit I would highly recommend National Credit Federation. -Caprice B.

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