shieldA few comments we get all of the time from clients who are finishing their program are “what do I do now?” or “I am not sure what I would do without you” and we were never really happy with our answer to them…. Until Now! We heard you, and your concerns of how do you protect you newly restored credit.

Introducing our Lifetime Protection Program.  We have developed a few amazing options for clients to continue to enjoy some of the amazing benefits they receive as an NCF member, as well as some new ones and a way to help protect their newly restored credit.

Silver Plan
$9.97 a month

  • We will leave your 24/7 access Hangout open to continue to ask questions and upload new documentation
  • Continued access to your case manager for questions and advise (10 min a month)
  • You will receive an in depth annual review of your current credit situation
  • You will receive an annual review Credit Score Blueprint of your current credit report
  • 50% discount on any future “Credit Repair” Needs

Annual Value – $860

Protect Yourself

Gold Plan
$29.97 a month

In addition to everything in the Silver Plan you will also receive

  • Continued access to your case manager for questions and advise (30 min a month)
  • You will receive an in depth bi-annual review of your current credit situation
  • You will receive an bi-annual review Credit Score Blueprint of your current credit report
  • FREE limited credit repair on future needs
  • Continued access to our online budgeting software
  • Enrollment into our Foreclosure defense program
  • Enrollment into our Pre-Purchase Program

Annual Value – $1,900

Protect Yourself

Platinum Plan
$59.97 a month

In addition to everything in the Gold Plan you will also receive

  • Continued access to your case manager for questions and advise (Unlimited access)
  • You will receive an in depth Quarterly review of your current credit situation
  • You will receive an Quarterly review Credit Score Blueprint of your current credit report
  • FREE UNLIMITED credit repair on future needs
  • Continued access to our online budgeting software
  • Enrollment into our Foreclosure defense program
  • Enrollment into our Pre-Purchase Program
  • Monthly Credit monitoring service to access your credit report and scores 24/7
  • Identity Theft protection service with a $5 MILLION SERVICE GUARANTEE
  • Continued Legal Access to our network of attorneys
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Access to our monthly financial wellness coaching webinars

Annual Value – $5,000

Protect Yourself


Pre-Purchase Program

This program will give you access to financial professionals who will help advise on the “How to”, reviewing offers and or contracts prior to making your Home, Auto, Credit Card or Insurance purchasing decisions. We will advise on things like purchase price, interest rate, terms etc… to ensure you are getting a great deal.

Foreclose Defense

In the event you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having a short sale, loan modification or foreclosure, our group of attorneys will help prevent major Dodd-Frank Act violations against homeowners who have attempted to get help. They will also fight to keep you in your home.   *Restrictions apply talk with your case manager for the full details.

Custom Online Budgeting Tool

NCF gives you an advanced, easy-to-use tool for organizing and viewing all of your financial accounts in one convenient, secure place. Set budgets, monitor spending and achieve your financial goals—all in one place.

Personalized Credit Repair Blueprint

NCF’s Personalized Credit Repair Blueprint is a 50-plus page document that breaks down every aspect of your credit report. It provides you with personalized advice and recommendations, including a complete audit and analysis of your credit report, and suggestions on what you need to keep doing, start doing and stop doing. It is a comprehensive guide that describes what each of your accounts is and why each one matters to your financial goals. It highlights your credit profile in a completely unique and useful way.

Legal Access

NCF will provide you access to our Legal Club network of attorneys to help answer your legal questions or even show up and represent you in court if needed *Restrictions apply talk with your case manager for the full details.

And Much More…