That’s right I’ve held off and at times have been accused of being stubborn (of course that is just one woman’s opinion!
) but we can no longer wait nor deny that Facebook is right behind google for taking over the world!
Ok ok, maybe yes and maybe no, but I do know this… that it surely will be a great place to talk with so many of you wanting to know more about credit scores, debt settlement and what all you can do to improve your credit. We’ll be adding alot of info and just daily things like testimonials and blurbs from other members that might help you improve your credit situation!
As a matter of fact you need to check out Troy’s email about his credit score jumping from 540 to 712!! CLICK HERE to read about how it’s changed his life! I hope you’ll join our NCF fan page… you can ask questions, get some answers and learn about all the crazy things the credit bureaus are doing!
See you on facebook! if you’re a twitter fan follow us on
Be Bold!
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