How Does the Process Work in Removing Bad Credit Off My Report?

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By law, if an accusation is made against you, the burden of proof lies with your accuser. In other words, if the credit bureaus are going to promote and sell information about YOU that might cause you economic hardship, they MUST back their information to the letter of the law! Congress provided consumers the right to challenge information that is deemed to be inaccurate, unverifiable, or obsolete.Our experts are experienced and will present your case effectively and tenaciously. Information that is not properly validated must be removed by law, even if it is accurate. Regardless of accuracy, credit bureaus are often unwilling to invest the necessary resources, or unable to get the credit grantor to invest the resources to validate the disputed item. Oftentimes, it becomes a matter of economics. If the case is presented properly, it is often more difficult (expensive) for the credit bureaus to substantiate the item than to simply remove it. The law requires more than just a form letter to verify that an item is accurate. If the credit bureau confirms an item on your report, your assigned expert will ratchet up the intensity of the challenge and re-present it. This forces the bureau to invest additional time and expense in conducting a new investigation. |
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Credit Repair — Is It Legal?

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Absolutely! The Fair Credit Reporting Act was designed specifically to provide a way for consumers to force the removal of erroneous, outdated, and unverifiable information from their report. Additionally, The Credit Repair Organization Act was passed to govern credit repair companies. If providing credit repair advice were illegal there would be no laws governing how to operate a credit repair company within the law. |
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How Do I Pay the $6 Deleted Item Fee?

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When you case manager determines the amount of negative items removed from your report, they will send you a notice into your email inbox. In that email you will be updated of the number of items deleted and the trade-lines. Included in that email you will be scheduled a payment date attached to the invoice. The card you have on file will be attached to the invoice and a payment date will be set. You will be given ample time to look through and make changes if necessary. We encourage you contacting your case manager and our billing department if changes do need to be made. |
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How Does the “Consumer Protection Warranty” Apply?

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As long as you have complied with the terms of your membership agreement we believe you should not have to pay for ineffective service:If there are no derogatory items removed from your report in the first 3 months of membership, at your request we will terminate your membership and refund you all membership fees paid.At the conclusion of your 6 month membership, if there has not been an increase in your credit score we will refund 100% of your membership fee. |
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How Long Does the Process Take?

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Each case varies significantly. The most important variables are how involved your credit issues are and the time it takes for the credit bureaus to respond to the expert assigned to your case. It is impossible to give a specific time since each case is different and each case is different. It also involves your input as well as timely responses from the credit bureaus. If you forward your credit reports on a timely basis, you can expect dramatic progress within the first 60 days. Thereafter, progress will run smoothly and steadily. NCF’s “participating” member, will, on average, experience 1/3 of the negative items deleted every time the credit bureaus are challenged. Many members complete the entire process within 6 months. Some of the more complicated cases will often need to utilize NCF’S one-year membership. As previously mentioned, progress will vary greatly based on your prompt forwarding the received information, the nature of your case, and the cooperation from the credit bureaus. |
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Do I Need To Know the Status Of My Report “Prior” To Signing Up With NCF?

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No. Most of our members aren’t aware of every item on their reports, but once obtained, your case manager will easily determine what items need to be removed. |
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Do Negtative Items Need To Be Paid Before They Can Be Removed From My Report?

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No. The fact that a derogatory item is paid has nothing to do with it being removed from your report. It’s important to know removing an item from your report DOES NOT eliminate your obligation to that creditor; it simply will not appear when a potential credit grantor is evaluating your report. However, leaving an item unpaid runs the risk of the creditor taking further action against you that damages your credit after it is repaired. For example: Submission to a collection agency or filing it with a Small Claims Court. In either case, you receive ample advanced notice to contact the creditor in order to settle the matter before damage to your credit appears. You can also negotiate to settle unpaid obligations – ask for professional assistance. |
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If I Pay Off All My Bills, Does it Repair My Credit?

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That assumption is logical but NOT true – The credit reporting system does not work according to logic. Paying an item that is on your credit report extends the time that the item will remain on your report with the 7 year clock starting all over again! Ironically, a paid in full negative item is not generally looked at any more favorably than an unpaid negative listing. Without professional help, more often than not, you won’t really benefit by paying the old debt – IN FACT, YOU ARE LIKELY TO MAKE IT WORSE! |
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Can Deleted Items Reappear On My Report?

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Occasionally, the creditor will verify an item that has been deleted. The newly amended Fair Credit Reporting Act has provisions to protect you against items being reestablished on your credit reports. Additionally, by law, you must be notified prior to a previously deleted item getting reported again. It is rare for a listing to re-appear on a report once it’s deleted. If an item is re-reported, it is a simple matter to challenge the listing once again and press for permanent deletion. If an item is re-reported, your case manager will credit you toward your next deleted item, or promptly refund the $6 fee at your request for the re-inserted item. |
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Can I Restore My Own Credit?

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Absolutely! You can repair your own credit, represent yourself in court, be your own doctor or paint your own house. Given the time, energy, and commitment, you can learn to do most of what our experts do on your behalf. Our employees are professionals who specialize in credit restoration. They devour credit law and your rights under the applicable consumer protection laws. Like anything, a professional is often able to accomplish a task more quickly and effectively than a layperson. The ultimate question you must ask yourself as a lay person is – are you willing to invest your time, frustrations, and total commitment to apply to this daunting task? |
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I Don’t understand Completely How the Service Works Exactly.

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Another reason you should consider using NCF’s experts to represent you. When your car breaks down you may not understand how to repair the problem. Even if you do, you may prefer to spend your time doing something more enjoyable. What’s important is NCF’s experts know everything about credit law issues and YOUR rights under the law. Your assigned NCF case manager will be successful in restoring your credit in a prompt manner. |
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When the Service is Completed, Will I Get Approved For Credit?

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You should get approved for credit as long as you meet the requirements the “credit grantor” requires, separate from a clean credit report. Example: Employment, income to debt ratio, housing, etc. Oftentimes, little, or, no credit is as limiting as bad credit. If you don’t have enough positive trade lines on your credit report you may want to consider adding new credit lines through NCF’s Member Service dept. |
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Does The Law Require That An Accurate Item Stay On A Credit Report For 7 Years?

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No. The law limits negative information from staying on your report longer than the 7 year maximum. Also, the credit bureaus can delete the item at their discretion. |
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Will I Be Opening A New Credit File Or Establishing A New SS# Or Tax ID Number?

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NO, that is fraudulent! Simply put, we legally challenge the credit bureaus, exercising the rights extended to you, by Congress, and forcing the adverse information from your credit reports. |
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How Will I Be Notified Regarding The Progress On My Account?

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Credit reports will be sent to you regularly from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. You will then see the items being removed from your report. It’s likened to losing weight – every time you step on a scale and notice you are down a few pounds, your patience, perseverance, and working hand-in-hand with NCF, you will ultimately reach your goal. Another important feature is having immediate 24/7 access to your personal online account where you can instantly check to see the status of all three credit files. |
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Who Do I Contact Should I Have Questions?

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Call us Toll Free at 1-(877)-720-7587 and ask for one of our certified credit consultants. We’d be happy to help you get answers to any questions that you may have. |
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As An NCF Member, What Is My Responsibility?

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You must make sure your membership and “correction fees” are paid as agreed as outlined in our Service Agreement. Additionally, as you receive updated information it’s vital for you to forward it to NCF promptly to prevent delays and keep YOUR progress moving. Other than that, exercising patience is important. You can expect regular updates coming directly to you from the credit bureaus in the form of updated credit reports. |
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Are there any items you can’t remove?

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Every credit report is different, but here at National Credit Federation we have had great success in removing every possible type of negative item off of credit reports. With that being said, we cannot guarantee that every type of negative item on YOUR report will be removed. Every case is different. Upon enrolling your case manager will scrub your credit report and we will be able to communicate with you the possibilities for improvement on your account. Our goal is to get your scores as high as possible so you can achieve your financial goals. |
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Once I decide to join and enroll, what happens next?

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As soon as you enroll with National Credit Federation, you will have full access to all of your member benefits as well as access to your member portal.You will also begin receiving a series of emails that will give you easy to follow, step by step directions to get full use of your membership. You will want to look for these emails right away, checking your spam folder as well, to make sure you are receiving them. Since we have the word ”credit” in our email address, it unfortunately may end up there.
We will work with you and contact you through your member portal, by email, and by phone to get all of the necessary information we need to start helping you improve your credit.You will also be able to view and read how many of our new members feel as soon as they join our program by going to the proven results section of our website and clicking on the tag “excited to get started.” |
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What items will you need from me so that you can challenge the credit bureaus?

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There are really only 5 things we need. They are: Membership Agreement package, recent copy of your each or your credit reports, Transunion, Experian, and Equifax, or a Tri Merge Credit Report, which is all three in 1 report, proof of ID, SSN Verification, and 2 Mailing Address Verifications.Together with the consultant who enrolled you into our program along with the staff here in the set up department, we will help you get those items we need before we can get your legal challenges to the credit bureaus.
A quick list of approved items that the credit bureaus require from you –Driver’s license, Passport for photo ID, a W2, 1099, or Social security card for SSN Verification, and a Bank statement, voided personal check, Utility, cable, or phone bill for mailing address verification. I stress mailing address as these seem to be the most confusing. Wherever you receive your mail, that is the address that we need to verify to the credit agencies.
There are other items you can use to verify the information, and we’re always happy to help you in getting them to us. |
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Can I fax in my information?

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We prefer that you don’t fax. The reason being is that the credit agencies will use a variety of reasons why they can’t or won’t investigate the disputes that are sent in. Faxes typically don’t come through legible. If we don’t make it easy for them to verify who the disputes are for, they will use this as a delay tactic. Remember, once you join as a member, you will receive access to a secured member portal. We prefer that you scan and upload them in there. Your case manager is notified immediately and will be able to respond in a timelier manner. If scanning and uploading or emailing them in to us is not an option, you can always mail large legible copies to us through the US Mail, as the last option. |
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Do I need to mail in a signed contract?

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No, not necessarily! We offer electronic documents which can be easily signed online at your convenience and offer the same legal benefits as hard documents but without any of the hassle. As soon as you enroll, you will receive an email with a link to your electronic set of membership agreement documents. There is a helpful video on the page to guide you through the short, easy set of documents. If you have questions you can always contact member services. |
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How do I get a copy of my credit report?

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Your consultant can help you as you may have been referred by a credit professional or you can go to The credit report should be no older than 90 days old. The best way to get this report to us is by uploading them to your secure member portal. Which is as simple as adding an attachment to an email! |
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When do my dispute letters go in the mail to the credit bureaus?

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Once we have your signed membership agreement, your 3 credit reports, and all the required valid id’s and verification, your expert team will begin the process of challenging the credit bureaus. Since everyone’s credit is different, and depending on your specific situation, getting your challenges in the mail will normally take just a few short days.
If you are under a time constraint, just mention it to your consultant, or call our office. We have an accelerated program that could meet your needs. |