My name is Derek and I live in Houston and I work for a major oil company. Before I came to NCF my credit really was not very high. Our coordinator said that we needed to give NCF a call because they would be able to come in and help you out. It’s because we were trying to qualify for a house.
So I start off with about 550-560 and I had some that were a little bit lower than that. Once we started the program and started doing the steps that Monique had given us to try to try to work on improving it we could start to see a gradual change. We started seeing things being removed off the credit that had just been sitting there for years. Our success basically, it was changing, as far as the credit score.
My credit had gotten in this bad situation and I had gone through some tough times with bankruptcy, some foreclosures, some repossession and NCF worked with me and we got that stuff removed from my credit. My final scores for us to qualify for the house are like 680-690 and my low score is like 643. Which was plenty high enough for us to qualify for a home. We got our first home and we closed on the 27th of December and we started moving in actually the next day. My credit is way better than what it was before we started it allowed us to get a home, to put ourselves in a better position, and we couldn’t have been able to do it without Monique’s help and without the help of NCF.
We’ve already given the information to other people to try and get them involved in NCF to help them in their credit situation as well.
NCF is everything that they advertised. They took our situation and made it so much better. Alright bye bye! Jill Thompson Tony Baptista
-Derek J.
Houston, Texas
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